How Can We Pray for You?



How can we pray for you?


What is Prayer?

Canyon Church of Christ believes in the power of prayer. As believers in Christ, we have an amazing privilege; our Heavenly Father invites us to talk to Him! He invites His children to speak and promises to listen: 

“Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.”  Jeremiah 29:12

We can read God’s Word and talk to Him in the morning to align our hearts with His at the start of the day, and we can also talk to Him as we go about our daily routines.

We may think we have to pray with fancy words, but prayer is just talking to God. It is part of having a relationship with our Heavenly Father.

To request prayers, please fill out the form on this page.

To get involved with our prayer ministry, please see the various opportunities below.



Are you a prayer warrior? Join our Prayer Ministry Meetings on the second Thursday of every month at 7:00 PM. These will be led online via Zoom with Canyon elder, Jay Carter, and our Prayer Ministry leader, Phil Hatler. Click here to request the zoom link.

The “Axe” of the Apostles PROMPT Cards & TESTIMONY CARDS

Each month we provide a prayer prompt card to help focus our prayer time on a specific topic. You may pick up a card on the orange table in the auditorium. We also provide testimony cards in the chair pockets so you can let our church family know how God is working in response to your prayers. To learn more, listen to this presentation on our Audio page:

24-Hours of Prayer

Since the very beginning in 2003 when Canyon church was first being planted, prayer has always been a part of who we are. We’ve held several prayer vigils over the years, especially during crucial moments in our church’s life. In 2012 as our buildings were being finished, we spent 24-hours in prayer over the godly work that would take place at this location. And since then, we’ve started each new year by focusing on God, and bringing our praises and our concerns to Him prayer, with a 24-hour prayer vigil in January. In 2024, our Senior Minister, Robert Miller, led two devotional studies on prayer during this time. You can view them on our Video Archives page here: